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It has been a while...

Love is not dead! It just got distracted.

Yes, I have been gone for a while. More than a year, in fact. The project – lovem – is not dead, however. In fact, I even have multiple posts already written, that I just need to publish. So let's start doing that. After this short intermission, I will publish an additional entry in the journey, that will take us further along the path to creating our VM.

To be quite honest – I dated this entry back to yesterday. The reason is, that my journal, as I currently run it, does not really support multiple entries on the same day. Yes, I could simply add a time to the publication date, but that breaks continuity. And I don't plan to normally release multiple entries on the same day, as I want to keep the pace not too high. One post every two or three days is what I aim for, just the way I used to have it.

A few things have changed in the meantime. For reasons that I have no desire to explain, I have removed the link to my Twitter account from the journal, and replaced it with a link to my Mastodon account. You can find me under there. I also used to announce new entries over Twitter. I guess I will move that over to Mastodon as well. I guess we will see how that goes.

But now let's get back to the journey. We will next implement a simple feature, that makes allows the VM to limit the processing time of a program – which can be very useful, especially when running user supplied code inside the machine. Building an endless loop inside a turing complete (or not even) language is quite easy. Having an embedded device stuck in an endless loop is often a catastrophe...