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Running assembler programs

We will extend our assembler to do something useful, finally: execute our programs on lovem.

We have created ourselves an assembler in ~300 lines of code. And it has a command line interface, an API to be used in a program, and even useful error reporting. That is cool! But what do we do with the bytecode? It just dumps them to the console. That is not very useful. We could copy/paste that into one of our example binaries... This is not what we wanted. So let us enhance our assembler.


We add some features to A new command line parameter --run, that takes no arguments. If you add that flag to the call, lovas will take the assembled program (if there are no errors), create an instance of the VM and run the program on it. Thanks to clap, that is really easy to do. We add another field to our Cli struct. Actually, while we are at it, we add four new parameters:

#[clap(short, long, help = "Run the assembled program in lovem.")]
run: bool,

#[clap(long, help = "Enable tracing log when running lovem.")]
trace: bool,

#[clap(long, help = "Output the program to stdout.")]
print: bool,

#[clap(long, default_value_t = 100, help = "Setting the stack size for lovem when running the program.")]
stack_size: usize,

And we change what we do with a successfully created program, depending on our new flag:

// run the assembler:
match asm::assemble(&name, &content) {
    Ok(pgm) => {
        if args.print {
            println!("{:?}", pgm);
        // we succeeded and now have a program with bytecode:
        if {
            // lovas was called with `--run`, so create a VM and execute program:
            run(&pgm, &args)?
    Err(e) => {
        // Something went wrong during assembly.
        // Convert the error report, so that `anyhow` can do its magic
        // and display some helpful error message:

Just printing the program to stdout is no very useful default behaviour for an assembler. It might still come in handy, if you want to see what you are executing, so we make it optional and for the caller to decide with the --print flag. If the --run flag is set, we call run(). So what does run() do?

/// Executes a program in a freshly created lovem VM.
fn run(pgm: &Pgm, args: &Cli) -> Result<()> {
    // Create our VM instance.
    let mut vm = VM::new(args.stack_size);
    vm.trace = args.trace;
    let start = Instant::now();
    let outcome =;
    let duration = start.elapsed();
    match outcome {
        Ok(_) => {
            // Execution successful, program terminated:
            eprintln!("Terminated.\nRuntime={:?}\nop_cnt={}, pc={}, stack-depth={}, watermark={}",
                      vm.op_cnt, vm.pc, vm.stack.len(), vm.watermark
        Err(e) => {
            // Runtime error. Error will be printed on return of main.
            eprintln!("Runtime error!\nRuntime={:?}\nop_cnt={}, pc={}, stack-depth={}, watermark={}",
                      duration, vm.op_cnt, vm.pc, vm.stack.len(), vm.watermark);

We create a VM instance, and we run the program on it. If there is a RuntimeError, we return it, just as we did with the AsmErrorReport. Back in our examples, we created a VM with a stack size of 100 - simply because we needed a number there. 100 is still the default, but now you can choose the stack size, when calling lovas. If you do

lovas --run pgm/some-program.lva --stack-size 512

lovas will execute the program in a VM with a stack that can hold 512 values.

Trace Log

When we were running a program in our VM, we did always get a lot of output during execution. That is nice for understanding, what a stack machine does, but in general it is not a got idea for a VM to do that. It can be very beneficial, if you run into a problem with your program, so it is an easily available tool for debugging. That is why I removed all those log messages from lovem, but I let some in that can be activated, if you set vm.trace = true. That is what we added the new command line parameter --trace for. You can now control, if you want to see it.


There is some output by lovas, after the execution. It reports if the run was successfully terminated (by executing a fin instruction), or if there was a RuntimeError. In both cases it will show you the time the execution took (wallclock time), as well as the number of instructions executed by the VM, the final position of the programm counter, the number of values on the stack at termination, and the highest number of values on the stack at any time during execution (the watermark). This can give you some quick insight on what your program did and maybe where it ran into trouble.

All this lead to some changes to, but nothing that should give you any problems to understand. Remember that we have the power of git at our disposal, so you can easily find out what changed in a file between two releases. You could do that for with this handy link:

Our programs

We have written a few example programs so far. Each is its own binary in src/bin/, and all of them consist of the same Rust code of creating a VM and running a program. Only the bytecode changed between them.

I got rid of all of those (except for the most basic one) and translated the programs into assembly programs that live in pgm/. You can now execute those using lovas, like this:

kratenko@jotun:~/git/lovem$ cargo run --bin lovas -- -r pgm/reverse-polish.lva --trace

   Compiling lovem v0.0.9 (/home/kratenko/git/lovem)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2.02s
     Running `target/debug/lovas -r pgm/reverse-polish.lva --trace`
VM { stack: [], pc: 0, op_cnt: 0, trace: true, watermark: 0 }
Executing op 0x02
VM { stack: [5], pc: 2, op_cnt: 1, trace: true, watermark: 1 }
Executing op 0x02
VM { stack: [5, 7], pc: 4, op_cnt: 2, trace: true, watermark: 2 }
Executing op 0x02
VM { stack: [5, 7, 11], pc: 6, op_cnt: 3, trace: true, watermark: 3 }
Executing op 0x11
VM { stack: [5, -4], pc: 7, op_cnt: 4, trace: true, watermark: 3 }
Executing op 0x12
VM { stack: [-20], pc: 8, op_cnt: 5, trace: true, watermark: 3 }
Executing op 0x02
VM { stack: [-20, 13], pc: 10, op_cnt: 6, trace: true, watermark: 3 }
Executing op 0x02
VM { stack: [-20, 13, 17], pc: 12, op_cnt: 7, trace: true, watermark: 3 }
Executing op 0x10
VM { stack: [-20, 30], pc: 13, op_cnt: 8, trace: true, watermark: 3 }
Executing op 0x10
VM { stack: [10], pc: 14, op_cnt: 9, trace: true, watermark: 3 }
Executing op 0x01
VM { stack: [], pc: 15, op_cnt: 10, trace: true, watermark: 3 }
VM { stack: [], pc: 16, op_cnt: 11, trace: true, watermark: 3 }
op_cnt=11, pc=16, stack size=0, watermark=3

Remember to add --trace to the call, or you won't see very much. It has become a lot easier, to play around with the VM. No more writing bytecode by hand!

File extension

You might have noticed that I changed the filename extension that I use for the assembly programs from .lass to .lva. There are multiple reasons, but the main one is, that I thought Lass could be a nice name for a programming language, when I will finally come to writing one for lovem. So I want to reserve the extension for that possible future.

Playing around

The diagnostic information given after the execution can be interesting, when you mess around. Let us play a bit with the program endless-stack.lva.

# This program runs in an endless loop, but it will push a new value to the stack on every iteration.
# It will inevitably lead to a stack overrun at some point and crash the program.
push_u8 123
goto -5

The program will fill the stack until it is full, and then it will crash:

     Running `target/debug/lovas -r pgm/endless-stack.lva --print`
Pgm { name: "pgm/endless-stack.lva", text: [2, 123, 32, 255, 251, 255] }
Runtime error!
op_cnt=201, pc=2, stack-depth=100, watermark=100
Error: StackOverflow

After 201 executed instructions it crashes. The stack depth at the time of the crash is 100. That is the complete stack, the next instruction tried to push value 101, which must fail. Instruction number 201 did cause the crash. That makes sense, if you follow the execution in your head. And the program counter is on 2. The last instruction executed will be the one before that, which would be at 0. That is the push_u8 instruction. There is no surprise that the watermark is at 100. That is the highest possible value for it and also the current value of out stack depth.

As we can now easily change the stack size, let us try what happens with a bigger stack:

     Running `target/debug/lovas -r pgm/endless-stack.lva --print --stack-size 150`
Pgm { name: "pgm/endless-stack.lva", text: [2, 123, 32, 255, 251, 255] }
Runtime error!
op_cnt=301, pc=2, stack-depth=150, watermark=150
Error: StackOverflow

So now the stack overflows at over 150 values, of course. And it takes 301 instructions to fill it. Runtime has been longer, but only about 15%. I would not have expected a rise of 50%, as there is overhead for starting the program.

What happens, if we activate --trace?

     Running `target/debug/lovas -r pgm/endless-stack.lva --print --stack-size 150 --trace`
Pgm { name: "pgm/endless-stack.lva", text: [2, 123, 32, 255, 251, 255] }
VM { stack: [], pc: 0, op_cnt: 0, trace: true, watermark: 0 }
Executing op 0x02
VM { stack: [123], pc: 2, op_cnt: 1, trace: true, watermark: 1 }
Executing op 0x20


Executing op 0x02
Runtime error!
op_cnt=301, pc=2, stack-depth=150, watermark=150
Error: StackOverflow

There is, of course, a lot of output, that I cut out. What is interesting is the change in execution time. I ran this inside the CLion IDE by JetBrains. The console there will not be a very fast console, as it does a lot with that output coming through. But the impact of the logging is enormous! The runtime until we hit our stack overflow is more than 1000 times longer! The exact numbers don't mean anything; we are running unoptimised Rust code with debuginfo, and the bottleneck is the console. But it is still fascinating to see.

The source code for this post can be found under the tag v0.0.9-journey.

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