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Handling instructions

We took care of all the dirty work inside the assembler during the previous posts. We now have a cleanly parsed instruction with an optional argument that we can evaluate. Let us dive into parse_instruction():

/// Handles a single instruction of opcode an optional oparg parsed from Assembly file.
fn parse_instruction(&mut self, opname: &str, oparg: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), AsmError> {
    match opname {
        "nop" => self.parse_a0_instruction(op::NOP, oparg),
        "fin" => self.parse_a0_instruction(op::FIN, oparg),
        "pop" => self.parse_a0_instruction(op::POP, oparg),
        "add" => self.parse_a0_instruction(op::ADD, oparg),
        "sub" => self.parse_a0_instruction(op::SUB, oparg),
        "mul" => self.parse_a0_instruction(op::MUL, oparg),
        "div" => self.parse_a0_instruction(op::DIV, oparg),
        "mod" => self.parse_a0_instruction(op::MOD, oparg),
        "push_u8" => {
            let oparg = oparg.ok_or(AsmError::MissingArgument)?;
            let v = parse_int::parse::<u8>(oparg).or(Err(AsmError::InvalidArgument))?;
            self.push_a1_instruction(op::PUSH_U8, v)
        "goto" => {
            let oparg = oparg.ok_or(AsmError::MissingArgument)?;
            let v = parse_int::parse::<i16>(oparg).or(Err(AsmError::InvalidArgument))?;
            let a = v.to_be_bytes();
            self.push_a2_instruction(op::GOTO, a[0], a[1])
        _ => Err(AsmError::UnknownInstruction(String::from(opname)))

That is a surprisingly simple function. It receives two parameters. opname is a &str that holds the opname of the instruction. oparg is either None, if there was no argument in the instruction, or it holds a none-empty string that holds whatever argument was present in the instruction.

The function only consists of a long match, that directly matches the opname against our known opnames. If there is no match, it returns a helpful error that even contains the unknown opname that was found.

The explicit branches look a bit weirder. That is because I do not like to repeat myself when writing code. And Rust tends to allow some very dense source code.

Different kind of instructions

I decided to group by instructions into three categories. They are grouped by the number of bytes an instruction uses as argument. An a0 instruction has zero bytes of oparg, a1 has one byte, and a2 has two bytes.


Most of our operations do not allow any argument at all. We want to make sure that there is none given in the instruction. And the only difference in handling those instructions inside the assembler is the byte that will be written to the bytecode. We can handle all of those with the same function: parse_a0_instruction():

/// Helper that parses an instruction with no oparg and pushes it.
fn parse_a0_instruction(&mut self, opcode: u8, oparg: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), AsmError> {
    if oparg.is_some() {
    } else {

If we did get an argument, we fail, since that is not allowed. And then we push a very basic instruction to the back of our program. We have helper functions to do that:

/// Adds a single instruction to the end of the AsmProgram.
fn push_instruction(&mut self, i: AsmInstruction) -> Result<(), AsmError> {
    self.text_pos += i.size();

/// Helper that creates an instruction with 0 bytes of oparg and pushes it.
fn push_a0_instruction(&mut self, opcode: u8) -> Result<(), AsmError> {
    let i = AsmInstruction{
        line_number: self.line_number,
        oparg: vec![],
        pos: self.text_pos,

We create a new instruction instance and add it. We also track the position of every instruction in the bytecode, that is why we update the programs current position in the bytecode for every instruction we add (stored in text_pos).

There is nothing we do with that information, yet. But we will need that information later.

a1: push_u8

We only have one operation that needs a single byte of oparg, and that is push_u8. We use that operation to push values on the stack, taken directly from the bytecode. u8 is the only type supported at the moment. That is not even a hard restriction; you can easily get any i64 value to the stack by using basic arithmetics, and we have those.

Parsing numbers is no fun. It is hard. So we let someone else do it for us. The crate we are using is called parse_int. Go take a look at what it can do. It allows us to enter numbers easily in hexadecimal, octal, or binary notation. That is a really handy feature in source code! Thanks, Rust community! So how are we parsing push_u8?

"push_u8" => {
    let oparg = oparg.ok_or(AsmError::MissingArgument)?;
    let v = parse_int::parse::<u8>(oparg).or(Err(AsmError::InvalidArgument))?;
    self.push_a1_instruction(op::PUSH_U8, v)

First we make sure that we have an argument. If not, we fail. We can again use our handy ? syntax. Then we try to parse it into a u8, using parse_int. The syntax for that call takes some getting used to - I'm still waiting for me to getting used to it. But if it works, we now have a valid u8. If it fails to parse, we quickly return with that failure information. If all goes well we will reach the third line, that calls our helper for adding a1 instructions. There is no big surprise in what that function does:

/// Helper that creates an instruction with 1 byte of oparg and pushes it.
fn push_a1_instruction(&mut self, opcode: u8, a0: u8) -> Result<(), AsmError> {
    let i = AsmInstruction{
        line_number: self.line_number,
        oparg: vec![a0],
        pos: self.text_pos,

An interesting detail is, that push_instruction() returns a Result, even though it can never fail! It always returns Ok(()). And if you look at push_a2_instruction(), you will now see that it also will always return Ok(()). We do be bother? Take a look at the handler for push_u8 again, in context of the complete function parse_instruction(). That function returns a Result, and it can return Err(...). Because push_a1_instruction() has the same return value of Result, the calls integrate nicely with the layout of the complete function inside the match. For me, it gives the code a clean compactness.

a2: goto

There is one more branch to look at:

"goto" => {
    let oparg = oparg.ok_or(AsmError::MissingArgument)?;
    let v = parse_int::parse::<i16>(oparg).or(Err(AsmError::InvalidArgument))?;
    let a = v.to_be_bytes();
    self.push_a2_instruction(op::GOTO, a[0], a[1])

This time we use parse_int to read a i16. Whether you like the ::<i16> syntax or not, at least you can see what it is for. We need to unpack the two bytes of the i16 after parsing, so that we can store the bytes correctly in the bytecode. to_be_bytes() gives us an array (of size 2) that holds the bytes in big endian byte order. to_le_bytes() is the little endian counterpart. I generally prefer big endian, when I can. And if you remember how we read the bytes in the VM, you can see that we are already using big endian there.

There is nothing new in the push_a2_instruction() function, only one additional byte.

/// Helper that creates an instruction with 1 byte of oparg and pushes it.
fn push_a2_instruction(&mut self, opcode: u8, a0: u8, a1: u8) -> Result<(), AsmError> {
    let i = AsmInstruction{
        line_number: self.line_number,
        oparg: vec![a0, a1],
        pos: self.text_pos,

Parsing completed

We have now parsed the complete program source into the AsmPgm structure. Or we have failed to do so, in which case there is an Error stored in AsmPgm. Either way, you have now seen all the code that does the parsing. Next journal entry will finally produce the bytecode we are longing for.

The source code for this post can be found under the tag v0.0.8-journey.

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