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Assembling bytes

Our new assembler is almost done assembling. Over the last entries we learned how the program parses the assembly sourcecode and produces a list of parsed instructions. What we now need to do, is turn that into bytes.


Let us take a look at where we are. We have our sample program hallo-stack.lass:

push_u8 123
push_u8 200

If we debug-print the AsmPgm after the parsing, it looks like this:

AsmPgm { 
    name: "pgm/hallo-stack.lass", 
    instructions: [
        AsmInstruction { line_number: 1, opcode:   2, oparg: [123], pos: 0 },
        AsmInstruction { line_number: 2, opcode:   2, oparg: [200], pos: 2 },
        AsmInstruction { line_number: 3, opcode:  16, oparg: [],    pos: 4 },
        AsmInstruction { line_number: 4, opcode:   1, oparg: [],    pos: 5 },
        AsmInstruction { line_number: 5, opcode: 255, oparg: [],    pos: 6 }
    line_number: 5, 
    text_pos: 7, 
    error: None

No error, that is nice. And we can see all five instructions parsed. We have a function that connects those bytes.

Connect the bytes

/// Convert parsed assembly source to runnable program (or error report).
fn to_program(&self) -> Result<Pgm, AsmErrorReport> {
    if let Some(e) = &self.error {
        // Assembling failed:
            line: self.line_number,
            error: e.clone(),
    } else {
        // Assembling succeeded, return a Pgm instance:
        let mut text: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        for i in &self.instructions {

The error part is straightforward. A small detail is the clone() call for name and error. We need to do that, because we cannot move ownership of those values (they must still exist in the AsmPgm instance). And we cannot use references. There is no need to clone the line number; as an integer type it can simply be copied.

The success part isn't complex either. We create a Vector of bytes and push all bytes into it: for each instruction the opcode and the opargs (which there can be zero). We have our bytecode now! Wrap it inside our new Pgm type, and we are done.

Run the assembler

Let us see what our program looks like, assembled:

kratenko@jotun:~/git/lovem$ cargo run --bin lovas -- pgm/hallo-stack.lass 

    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.02s
     Running `target/debug/lovas pgm/hallo-stack.lass`
Pgm { name: "pgm/hallo-stack.lass", text: [2, 123, 2, 200, 16, 1, 255] }

And how about our noisy program, noice.lass?

kratenko@jotun:~/git/lovem$ cargo run --bin lovas -- pgm/noise.lass 

    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.03s
     Running `target/debug/lovas pgm/noise.lass`
Pgm { name: "pgm/noise.lass", text: [2, 123, 2, 200, 16, 1, 255] }

So it does produce the same bytecode for both. As we demanded.

Running into errors

What happens, if our program has errors? Easy to find out, I included a broken program: syntax-error.lass

push_u8 123
push_u8 300

Have you found the problem? Will the assembler?

kratenko@jotun:~/git/lovem$ cargo run --bin lovas -- pgm/syntax-error.lass 

    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.04s
     Running `target/debug/lovas pgm/syntax-error.lass`
Error: assembly failed in line 2 of program 'pgm/syntax-error.lass'

Caused by:

It does find the error. Using the parse_int create already pays. And the error message really tells us, what is wrong and where. We get a lot of value for very few code we have written.

Why AsmPgm?

There does not really seem to be a point of storing all that information inside AsmPgm. We could easily have created the bytecode directly. That would have been a lot easier. And if you have run the code yourself, you will have been bombarded with compiler warnings about unread fields.

We will be needing that information soon, and it was easiest to build it like this right away. But let us just enjoy our new assembler for now.

impl error::Error

Okay, before we leave for today, one more thing that you might have spotted. What's with that impl blocks?

impl Display for AsmError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{:?}", self)

impl error::Error for AsmError {

impl Display for AsmErrorReport {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "assembly failed in line {} of program '{}'", self.line,

impl error::Error for AsmErrorReport {
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {

That is the price we have to pay when we want to use Rust magic. Rust's answer to writing generic code that can be applied to different types (that might not exist at the time of writing) are traits. A function can accept a trait as a type. If you implement that trait for your type, you can use that function. That is a very simplified introduction.

A trait defines specific functions you have to write for a type. That is what we do here. We implement the trait std::error::Error for our AsmError and AsmErrorReport. To do so, we must also implement the trait std::fmt::Display (because the Error trait says so).

There is not much we do there. Types implementing the Display trait can be printed using println!("{}", value). What the println! macro does is just calling that fmt method we define. The trait Debug does a similar thing, but for use with println!("{:?}", value). We can use any value with those constructs that implements the Display trait (for "{}") or the Debug trait (for "{:?}").

The Debug trait we let the compiler implement (derive) for us. That is what the line #[derive(Debug)] does. And for our Display trait we are lazy and just use the function that was created by #[derive(Debug)].

The Error trait lets you implement a source() method, that is used to get a nested Error inside your Error, that was its cause. Think of exception stacks, only that we do not have exceptions, of course. That is exactly what we want for AsmErrorReport; it is, after all, a wrapper for AsmError. AsmError on the other hand does not have a nested error, so we do not implement the source() method. The empty impl error::Error for AsmError block is still needed. If you remove it, the Error trait will not be implemented for AsmError.

Cool story, but why do we do all this? This is what enables us to use the magic of anyhow in our We can use AsmError and AsmErrorReport (wrapped in an Err()) as return for our main function. It returns anyhow::Result<()>. And when there is an error returned by it, an error message is created and printed for us. With this we can easily create useful error messages in the error type itself, at the place where we understand, what errors exist and what they mean. And we need do it in that one place only. Every program that uses our library (as does) benefits from that without any extra work or even without knowing, error types can be returned by the library.

The source code for this post can be found under the tag v0.0.8-journey.

What does this mean?