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Journal entries from June 2022

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Script or virtual

After the quest for a scripting languages failed, we plan writing our own.

Script it then!

Okay, okay. Let's say you bought my argumentation. Go ahead, hack together some scripting, knock yourself out. Just parse it in your firmware and execute it.

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That use-case I was talking about

This is why every existing scripting language is objectively bad! Sorry, I wanted to say: This is my problem and languages do not seem to be designed for it.

I was mentioning it, was I not? Languages do not seem to fit very well on by problem. What do I mean by that?

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We need another wheel

There are many wheels out there, why o why do you want to invent it again? Well, are there, though? Because that is what I thought. I started looking at what I know. Soo...


[Lua][lua] is a tested scripting language to use in host languages like C. I first experimented with it when I was trying to write games for fun, back in the early 2000s. I was somewhat intrigued when I came upon it again some 10 years later while playing heavily modded Minecraft. In [ComputerCraft][computercraft] you have a block that is a computer, which you can write programs for in Lua. It even has a little operating system where you store your files (edit them, horribly, in an editor on an in-game monitor), execute programs that you can store on in-game floppies to carry around. It was a horrible kind of fun to do just anything inside that world.

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Lovem again!

It seems like that dude dug out one of his time-wasting projects and put some more work into it. This time in a public repo even. And for some reason he wants to let the world know, how and what he is doing. The journey starts here.

So, I am back at writing my Low Overhead Virtual Embedded Machine. From scratch. Everything I had was dumped (have the code still, somewhere, but it is okay to start anew - I learned during my previous attempts).

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